You can register for FREE here:
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During Rising Women, Rising World, you’ll discover true inspiration and expert guidance for making extraordinary shifts in our world from those who are already doing it successfully.
With the Women Rising, Rising World Summit, you’ll:
• Get inspired by the inside stories of women leaders from around the world who have been courageous enough to say, “I do not accept the world as it is and I am working to change it!”
• Discover the secrets of great women changemakers, including real examples of what they have accomplished – and how they accomplished it.
• Learn the personal, spiritual and psychological practices that support the resiliency and strength needed to transcend obstacles and accomplish extraordinary acts.
• Gain powerful insights into the important work women are doing on the issues and areas you care about – including human rights, activism, peacebuilding, economics, sexuality & body issues, arts/performance, education and consciousness.
• Discover enlightening wisdom for balancing the deep feminine with the deep masculine, which is so needed for creating sustainable change in our world today.
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Register for free now to stand together on behalf of women’s lives everywhere, and our vision of what life can be like when the feminine comes into balance with the masculine.
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