It’s not about who you are. It’s about who you can become. That is the key to long lasting evolution. The awareness and the desire for something greater.
It’s not about who you are. It’s about what you are capable of. Yet, so many of us get caught up in the details of the past and fail to see the opportunity that lies in front of us. That opportunity has and will always be the opportunity for growth.
Growth. Change. Evolution. Three words for a high stakes game that in a nutshell is all about being better than we were before. But in order to become that which we seek, we must be willing to shed what we were. We must be willing to walk away. While walking away from a former version of yourself is not easy to do, it must be done in order to shed the drama of past cycles and rise up to meet the opportunity of a new day.
Every day we rise, we are dying unto ourselves to be born anew. Today. Embrace the fullness of the new you! ~ BurnBright
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